‘This Is Personal Exhibition’ Opening — ANTON EMDIN | ILLUSTRATION, DESIGN & ART DIRECTION

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‘This Is Personal Exhibition’ Opening

The opening night of the This Is Personal exhibition was a great success. On Monday night over 120 people rocked up to the very three-level gallery to see the personal work of a bunch of us Drawing Book artists. All the work looked fantastic, and a big pat on the back to everyone involved. Smooth stuff Kaye, Matt, Sean and Mike from the Drawing Book, as well as the guys from 72 Erskine Street Gallery. Beer and wine flowed and I got to catch up with a lot of great artists - Ken Taylor, Chris Wahl, Gerad Taylor, Mike Watt, Gina Kiel, David James, Joe Whyte, Billmund, Rod Luff and a heap more I don't have room to name. Stupidly, I forgot my camera, so I have snatched a couple from The Drawing Book's site. Check out a few more here: http://drawingbook.com.au/theres-a-first-time-for-everything/


Punters and artists at This Is Personal, Monday 23rd August, 2010

If you are in the city this week, please pop in for some eye-poppin' fun!

This Is Personal Drawing Book Studios 72 Erskine St, Sydney 2000 Exhibition runs until Friday 27, August