Overheard in Kim Kardashian's Delivery Room - Sneak Peek! — ANTON EMDIN | ILLUSTRATION, DESIGN & ART DIRECTION

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Overheard in Kim Kardashian's Delivery Room - Sneak Peek!

I've drawn a double page feature on the birth of Kim Kardashian's baby for MAD Magazine - here's a cropped teaser released by the MAD team a day after the big event: Over the weekend, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian had a baby girl (it’s the thing that Kanye is second-most excited about dropping this week!). To celebrate the occasion, we’re offering a sneak peek of “Overheard in Kim Kardashian’s Delivery Room,” written by Matt Lassen and illustrated by Anton Emdin! The full article will appear in MAD #522, on sale July 23. - See more at: http://www.madmagazine.com/blog/2013/06/17/overheard-in-kim-kardashians-delivery-room

Originally posted on the MAD Blog.  Keep an eye out for the new issue for the full splash.

Thanks for looking,

Anton! Signature by and © Anton Emdin 2012. All rights reserved.