I was very chuffed to be featured on the cover of The Australian Cartoonists Association's Inkspot magazine last month!...
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The latest illustration and goings-on from Emdin HQ! Commercial, magazine, editorial, advertising, branding, logos, book, commissions... and more.
Little article on me in the local paper...
Read MoreIf you're interested in reading them, here are a couple of interviews I've done recently...
Read MoreHot off the press is the latest Outline from Illustrators Australia, featuring interviews with cartoonists and comic artists such as Jason Chatfield, Peter Broelman, Doug Holgate, Jo Brooker, and even little ol' me...
Read MoreHere's some press from Monday morning's The Australian newspaper...
Read MoreWell, it must have been a really slow news day, as the Inner West Courier in Sydney, and the Australian Jewish News have published articles about me...
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