Another great Stanley Awards weekend… and I was lucky enough to pick up this little beauty!
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The latest illustration and goings-on from Emdin HQ! Commercial, magazine, editorial, advertising, branding, logos, book, commissions... and more.
Australian cartooning's big night of nights...
Read MoreIt's been a week since the ACA's 28th Annual Stanley Awards, and I've hit the ground running...
Read MoreHi Gang! Just a heads up that I'll be doing a MAD panel discussion at the Newcastle 'Stanleys' Conference with illustrator and art director Sam Viviano, cartoonist Glen Le Lievre and Australian MAD editor, Dave (DJ) Williams...
Read MoreIn case anyone is interested, here are my submissions for the 2012 Australian Cartoonists Associations (ACA) annual Stanley Awards...
Read MoreHere's some press from Monday morning's The Australian newspaper...
Read MoreWow! I'm still reeling from the events last night... I was lucky to receive the Australian Cartoonists Association's Bronze Stan Cross ("Stanley") for Best Illustrator and the Gold Stanley for Cartoonist of the Year at the annual ACA Stanley Awards!...
Read MoreJust got back from the 2010 ACA Stanley Awards in Melbourne and feeling a little foggy still! Caught up with old friends, made some new ones, talked shop, got drunk, and even learned a few things...
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